1. Common FAQs Surrounding Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Part Two

    Men who suffer from low levels of testosterone may experience symptoms of decreased energy and a lower sex drive. Luckily, there are various testosterone replacement therapies (TRT) available to help remedy low levels of this male sex hormone. In part one of this series, we discussed the basics of testosterone and how it plays a vital component in the growth and maturity of men. In part two, we’…Read More

  2. Common FAQs Surrounding Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Part One

    If you’re a man suffering from low levels of testosterone, you may feel like there are no viable treatment options available to help you. Low testosterone levels can lead to a myriad of health issues including a decrease in energy and sex drive, abnormal weight gain, and feelings of depression. Luckily, men all over the world are learning about the powerful benefits of testosterone replacement t…Read More

  3. Common Signs You Have Low Testosterone Levels

    Testosterone is a hormone that can be found in both men and women, however men have much higher levels. The production of testosterone tends to increase in men during puberty and starts to decrease after the age of 30. Some studies suggest that for each year over the age of 30, men’s testosterone levels begin to slowly dip at a rate of roughly one percent per year. While a decrease in testostero…Read More

  4. An Introduction to Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    If you’re a man suffering from low levels of testosterone, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. The number of middle-aged men with prescriptions for testosterone continues to climb, and according to recent studies, one in four men over the age of 30 suffer from low levels of testosterone. Luckily, there are a variety of treatment options available to remedy low levels of testosteron…Read More

  5. What Your Headache Pain Might Be Trying to Tell You

    One of the most common complaints that we hear about in our Tucson men's health clinic is headaches. A headache is a catch-all term for any pain occurring in your head. In reality, there are numerous kinds of headaches that can happen in different areas of the head. Some of those aches and pains in your head could be the symptom of a bigger issue. It's important to know what your headache pain is …Read More

  6. Eating Your Way to Lower Cholesterol Levels

    One of the most important pieces of advice that we give patients about cholesterol management in our Tucson clinic is this: eat the right foods. It's possible to reduce your cholesterol levels through a healthy diet instead of only through medication. These dietary changes are easy to make and work to naturally lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, both of which are good for your heart and lo…Read More

  7. Treatment Options to Help You Overcome Your Low Libido

    Having a low libido can be frustrating and isolating. Our low testosterone replacement therapy in Tuscon has helped many of our male patients experience a resurgence in their libido, reconnecting them with their partners and helping them regain a vitality and confidence that they thought was gone from their life for good. Some patients report that they were reluctant to come in for treatment at fi…Read More

  8. How to Battle Your Seasonal Allergies

    Are you struggling with seasonal allergies? You are in good company. Doctors think that about 50 million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergies, and those numbers seem to be getting higher every year. Allergy symptoms can quickly move beyond a simple runny nose or some sneezing and escalate to the point that symptoms render you unable to work or participate in activities. Some …Read More

  9. Could Your Low Libido Be Caused by Low Testosterone Levels?

    A low sex drive can be one of the first signs that your testosterone levels are low. Our Tucson men's health clinic treats patients every day for low testosterone levels through our hormone replacement therapy and many of them came into our clinic initially looking for reasons behind their low sex drive. Researchers aren't entirely sure why low testosterone levels often lead to a lower libido; the…Read More

  10. How to Bring Up Low Testosterone Concerns With Your Partner

    Many of the patients who come into our Tucson clinic for low testosterone replacement therapy make an appointment for their initial consultation because of the urging of their partner. Sometimes, it's hard for patients to see the changes happening to their own bodies and minds. They are simply too close to the situation to be objective about the changes that are happening. To their loved one, tho…Read More