Many of the patients who come into our Tucson clinic for low testosterone replacement therapy make an appointment for their initial consultation because of the urging of their partner. Sometimes, it’s hard for patients to see the changes happening to their own bodies and minds. They are simply too close to the situation to be objective about the changes that are happening. To their loved one, though, the changes can be obvious. Perhaps their partner has seen symptoms of low testosterone such as:

  • Lower sex drive
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Thinning hair
  • Gaining weight
  • Losing muscle mass
  • Feeling depressed

For many partners, these symptoms are cause for concern and may have led them to do some research. Maybe they read up on Google or spoke to friends who have also experienced low testosterone levels. Whatever the reason is, they know that the symptoms they are seeing in their partners match the ones listed for low testosterone, and they want them to get help.

But how do you bring it up?  How do your approach the conversation without making them upset or ashamed? Our clinic has some suggestions that can help you talk about the topic and encourage them to make an appointment with us.

How to Talk to Your Partner About Low T

Do your research first.

It’s important to come into the conversation with lots of information. Your partner might want to dismiss your concerns outright. To prevent this, make sure you have evidence of their own symptoms as well as information about how common low testosterone actually is. Many men don’t want to admit that this could be an issue for them; some feel that it’s a sign of a lack of their masculinity. Having plenty of evidence to the contrary and showing them just how common it really is can put their mind at ease about getting treatment.

Pick the right time.

You’ll want to time your conversation correctly. Avoid bringing it up when either of you is feeling stressed or tired. Find a calm, neutral time and let them know that you have something important to talk to them about. Let them know that you love them and that you are bringing this up because you care about them and want them to be healthy and happy. Ask them to listen. Asking permission instead of simply launching into the discussion can help them be more receptive to what you have to say.

Let them know there are options.

Your goal isn’t to make them feel bad about the symptoms they are experiencing, so make sure they know that. Your goal is to help them learn more about options for low testosterone replacement therapy that can eliminate those unpleasant symptoms and help them recover some of their youthful energy, appearance, and libido that they are missing. Talk to them about the various treatment options offered in our Tucson clinic and how they can help.

Offer to go with them.

When you talk to them about making an appointment with our men’s health clinic, offer to go with them the first time. Sometimes having a loved one by their side can give them some courage and it shows that you want to be supportive of finding solutions. Plus, you’ll be able to offer your perspective on the issues they are experiencing. It’s always good to have two sets of ears to take in all the information, too, because they may be overwhelmed during that initial consultation.

Continue to encourage them.

Once they’ve started treatment, be encouraging about it! It takes a couple weeks for the symptoms of Low T to start to reverse. Don’t let them get impatient and be honest about the improvements that you are witnessing. This can help them continue the treatment so they start to feel the full effects in just six to eight weeks!

Is your loved one ready to make an appointment? We’re ready to see them and help them learn more about how low testosterone replacement therapy can change their life. Give us a call or contact us through our website and we’ll set you up with a consultation appointment so you and your loved one can learn more about our treatment options and how they can help.