1. Two Tips for Resolution Success

    The new year is almost upon us, and if you’re like most Americans, you’ve probably thought about the lifestyle changes you would like to make in 2018. Maybe you want to spend more time with your family, lose weight, or cut junk food out of your diet. Many Americans struggle to keep their resolutions, especially when it concerns their health and lifestyle choices. In this blog post, we’ll giv…Read More

  2. What Your Headache Pain Might Be Trying to Tell You

    One of the most common complaints that we hear about in our Tucson men's health clinic is headaches. A headache is a catch-all term for any pain occurring in your head. In reality, there are numerous kinds of headaches that can happen in different areas of the head. Some of those aches and pains in your head could be the symptom of a bigger issue. It's important to know what your headache pain is …Read More

  3. Could Your Low Libido Be Caused by Low Testosterone Levels?

    A low sex drive can be one of the first signs that your testosterone levels are low. Our Tucson men's health clinic treats patients every day for low testosterone levels through our hormone replacement therapy and many of them came into our clinic initially looking for reasons behind their low sex drive. Researchers aren't entirely sure why low testosterone levels often lead to a lower libido; the…Read More

  4. Top Health Threats to Men

    There are certain health concerns that are particularly important for you to be aware of as a man. At Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson, we strive to provide you with all of the answers to men’s health questions you have. In this blog, we will go over the top health threats to men so you can be informed about concerns for your health. Cardiovascular disease Cardiovascular disease, or heart disea…Read More

  5. Commonly Asked Questions About PrEP

    At Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson, we are proud to offer PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis. PrEP is a strategy for HIV prevention that involves using a medication that HIV-negative people can take to reduce the risk of contracting HIV. It works by preventing the HIV virus from spreading infection in the body. Understandably, people often have questions about this new form of HIV prevention. Her…Read More

  6. Common Causes Of Obesity

    People who are obese or overweight are more likely to experience a wide variety of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, and cancer. Despite this, over 35 percent of American adults qualify as obese, and 34 percent are overweight. Clearly, this problem needs to be addressed. If you are obese or overweight, Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson can hel…Read More

  7. The Benefits of Medical Weight Loss Programs

    There are many health reasons to lose weight. People who are overweight or obese are at risk for a variety of health conditions, from heart disease to diabetes to osteoarthritis. The health concerns that come from excess weight is one reason why it is a good idea to work with your physician when you are looking to lose weight. Here are just a few of the many benefits of participating in a medical …Read More

  8. What is Type 2 Diabetes

    Diabetes is becoming one of the most prevalent medical conditions in the United States. There are two forms of diabetes; Type 1 and Type 2. Type 2 diabetes is more common and affects millions of Americans. While Type 2 diabetes is more commonly diagnosed within the adult population it can affect men, women, and children. Many Americans that are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes have a difficult time …Read More

  9. How Heart Disease Changes Your Lifestyle

    Heart disease (or cardiovascular disease) is responsible for more deaths among men than any other disease or condition. Heart disease is a general term that encompasses many disorders of the heart and blood vessels. Cholesterol and high blood pressure are very important when looked at in regards to heart and blood vessel health. Heart disease can truly affect the way in which men will live their l…Read More

  10. Diabetes & Male Health

    Diabetes is a health problem that is on the rise. Over the years diabetes have been diagnosed in millions of Americans. Diabetes affects men and women of all ages.  Health professionals believe that diabetes is undiagnosed in millions of American men and women. Unfortunately for men, diabetes can have more negative side effects than those strictly associated with blood glucose levels. Finding a m…Read More