Prostate exams are often the punchline in comedy routines, and it’s easy to understand why. Though many men find prostate exams uncomfortable and embarrassing, they could quite literally save your life. The National Institute of Health recently reported that prostate cancer makes up just under 10 percent of all new cancer cases, and 11.6 percent of men will receive a prostate cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the symptoms indicative of prostate cancer. Watching for these symptoms is incredibly important, especially for men over the age of 50. Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson offers friendly and effective care to men of all ages. We’re proud to provide physical exams, prostate health checkups, STD screenings, and more! Contact our Tucson office to schedule an appointment with a men’s health professional today.

Burning or Pain During Urination

Burning and painful sensations when urinating are never a good sign, and you should always contact your doctor immediately after experiencing an episode of burning or pain while urinating. While these symptoms are often indicative of sexually transmitted diseases and urinary tract infections, they can also be caused by prostate cancer. If your doctor suspects that your prostate may be playing a role in your symptoms, he or she might examine your prostate gland in order to see if it’s swollen, inflamed, or potentially cancerous.

Numbness or Pain in the Hips, Legs, and Feet

Numbness and pain in the lower body, and particularly in the hips, legs, and feet, is a serious symptom that should immediately be brought to your doctor’s attention. While pain and numbness can be symptoms of many different ailments, including arthritis and simply growing old, chronic pain and swelling of the lower extremities can be a sign of advanced prostate cancer. Late-stage prostate cancer often spreads to the bones and other areas surrounding the prostate, and the best way to prevent prostate cancer from spreading is to catch it before it has the chance to metastasize.

Difficulty Urinating

The prostate surrounds the urethra and is located next to the bladder. As prostate cancer advances, it often begins to press on the bladder, making it difficult to urinate. Prostate cancer can also damage the nerves and muscles involved in urinating. A weak stream of urine, trouble starting, and an interrupted urine stream are all symptoms that should be immediately shared with your doctor. Many older men struggle with difficulty urinating, but it’s essential to get this symptom checked by a doctor as soon as it is experienced.

Your family history is an important factor when determining your risk for prostate cancer. While prostate exams are usually recommended for men over 50, you might need to begin receiving regular prostate exams sooner if you have a history of prostate cancer. Regular prostate exams are the best way to prevent prostate cancer from spreading. Men’s Vitality Clinic in Tucson offers a variety of men’s health services, including prostate exams. Contact a member of our staff today to schedule an appointment!

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