Is low testosterone only a problem older me experience? Does testosterone replacement therapy have a risk of causing cancer? There’s no shortage of myths about testosterone to be found, and at Men’s Vitality Center, we’re dedicated to providing our patients with clear and reliable information.

We examined a few common myths in a previous post, so be sure to read through that post as well. In today’s post, we’ll continue to examine and address some of the most prevalent myths we’ve heard about testosterone and testosterone replacement therapy. If you’re interested in learning more about testosterone therapy in Tucson, then get in touch with a member of Men’s Vitality Center.

Testosterone Myths Continued

Low Testosterone Only Affects Older Men

There’s a common misconception that men in their 50s, 60s, and 70s are the only demographic affected by the symptoms of low testosterone. It’s partially true that older men are more likely to experience declining testosterone levels than their younger counterparts, but we treat plenty of men in their 20s and 30s who are dealing with the life-disrupting symptoms of low testosterone levels. Low testosterone is a problem any man can experience, so don’t be afraid to contact Men’s Vitality Center if you’re younger and are curious if low testosterone is negatively affecting your life.

Testosterone Therapy Causes Liver Cancer

This is one of the most pervasive myths we’ve heard, and we’re willing to bet that you’ve heard it, too. While we won’t get too technical in this post, this myth originated when oral testosterone pills were popular. The testosterone in these pills was absorbed and broken down by the liver instead of being absorbed into the bloodstream, which required the use of other chemicals that would prevent liver enzymes from rendering the pills useless. While the combination of testosterone pills and enzyme-blocking compounds was effective, liver damage and cancer were possible outcomes. At Men’s Vitality Center, we provide our patients with weekly testosterone injections that don’t require any additional medications or chemicals in order for the treatment to be effective.

Testosterone Therapy Is Just Like Doing Steroids

This myth is somewhat tricky, as testosterone is technically a steroid, but it’s far from being a steroid in the most common sense. Many people are familiar with steroids that are used illegally to help bodybuilders put on muscle mass and increase their strength, often at the cost of some seriously troubling side effects.

Testosterone replacement therapy is significantly different from illegal anabolic steroid use, as we utilize high-grade testosterone that is administered by a trained physician. Instead of thinking of all steroids as inherently bad, think about testosterone injections as steroids that play an important role in a medically necessary and physician-approved treatment plan.

Watch our blog page in the coming weeks and months, as we’ll be continuing to update this page with more content about men’s health and testosterone replacement therapy. If you’re interested in learning more about any of our services, then use the form below to contact our office. We look forward to speaking with you soon!