1. Are You Making These Common Health Mistakes?

    If you’re like many men in the Tucson area, then you might have a few bad health habits that you know you should break, but haven’t yet. Maybe you’ve been yo-yo dieting for a few years and need to shed a few pounds, or perhaps you haven’t had a physical since you were in high school. In today’s post, we’ll explore four different health mistakes men commonly make. If you routinely make …Read More

  2. 4 Ways to Take Control of Your Health This Year

    The new year has just begun, and at Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson, we hope that you’ve been able to follow through with the resolutions you set last year. You created personal goals last year because you wanted to improve yourself, and it’s never too late to add additional goals to your list! In today’s post, we’ll take an in-depth look at four different ways that we can help you take …Read More

  3. Facts About Low Testosterone

    If you’re like most men, then you’re probably only vaguely aware of how serious the symptoms of low testosterone can be. While their intentions are usually benign, popular journals and health blogs don’t always get the facts about low testosterone correct. In today’s post, we’ll take an in-depth look at the most prominent studies about testosterone to clarify any myths you may have heard…Read More