If you’re like many men in Tucson, then you probably have a few goals or resolutions in mind for the new year. Maybe you’d like to lose weight and make time for the gym each day, or perhaps you’re going to start a new diet come January 1. Many of us start with lofty goals before giving up in a matter of weeks, so in today’s post, we’ll explore five reasons why most resolutions don’t last past the end of January before explaining how you can set yourself up for success.
Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson offers a wide range of men’s health services. From testosterone replacement therapy to weight loss management and physicals for men, we’re dedicated to helping you make this your healthiest year yet. Contact us today for an appointment!
Most Resolutions Don’t Stick Because…
They’re Not Properly Defined
You can’t achieve a goal if you don’t have a clearly defined outcome to work toward. Many people say that they would like to “get out more” or “travel somewhere new,” but it’s much more difficult to achieve something if you don’t even know what you want! Many people forget about or give up on their poorly outlined resolutions, so if you want to avoid having your resolutions derailed by vagueness, use the SMART system to keep yourself accountable:
- S: Your goals need to be specific. Where do you want to travel? Are there any clubs or social events you’d like to attend?
- M: Your goals need to be measurable. Did you travel more this year than last year? How many times have you made an effort to go out this month?
- A: Your goals need to be achievable. A month in Prague might not be in your price range, but a trip to a nearby city could be!
- R: Your goals need to be realistic (read the next section for more on this point). You know yourself better than anyone else, so make sure that you’re maintaining a mix of ambition and realism when creating your goals.
- T: Your goals need to be time-bound, or at least created with some sort of deadline in mind.
They’re Unrealistic 
As we mentioned in the previous section, your goals need to be realistic. You don’t want to set goals that are so easy that you’ve achieved them by the end of January, but you also don’t want to create goals so lofty that you’ll never achieve them. If you’ve just started testosterone replacement therapy and are hoping to make progress in the gym, for instance, then be sure to temper your expectations as your body adjusts to the increased testosterone in your system.
There’s No Social Support
If you’re feeling like you can’t stick to your goals on your own, then consider taking up your goals in conjunction with a friend. Whether you’re trying to make more time to exercise or you’re attempting to clean up your diet, having another person to keep you accountable is one of the best ways you can set yourself up for resolution success.
Stay tuned for part two of this series, and contact Men’s Vitality Center for testosterone replacement therapy, weight loss support, and so much more!