Weight Loss Management Tucson
If you’re among the thousands of men in Tucson who want to lose weight for health or personal reasons, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. At The Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson, we’ve helped hundreds of men lose weight, build muscle, and gain confidence through our innovative weight loss management solutions. When you visit our state-of-the-art men’s clinic, we’ll take the time to listen to your unique needs before recommending the best treatment option for you. If you’re ready to regain control of your weight and your life, contact us today!
Men’s Weight Loss Management in Tucson
When you visit the Men’s Vitality Center to speak with one of our healthcare providers, we will encourage you to talk openly and honestly about your weight concerns and health issues. Being an active participant in your health and well-being is very important to your future success, and our doctors will work with you one-on-one to design a customized weight loss plan just for you. Before you visit our office for your appointment, take the time to sit down and think about your weight loss goals. It may be helpful to write a list of questions you’d like to ask your physician. Some of these questions may include:
- Could any of my eating habits be contributing to my health concerns and weight gain?
- Are my cholesterol or blood pressure levels abnormally high, and could this be affecting my health?
- Are there more physical activities I should be partaking in to achieve my desired weight?
- Do I suffer from any preexisting health conditions that may be affecting my weight?
- What are the most popular treatment options for obesity at your clinic?
- Is it possible that I may have diabetes?
- Is weight loss surgery an option for me?
If you suffer from any medical conditions, it’s important to let your doctor know right away. It’s also a good idea to fill your physician in on any prescriptions or over-the-counter medications you may be taking. This can include vitamins and supplements.
Why Did My Doctor Prescribe Weight Loss?
If your doctor has recommended that it’s in your best interest to lose weight, you may be at high risk for a variety of health issues that can come from being overweight or obese. Some of these health risks can include high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. Oftentimes, men who are overweight also experience negative emotional effects such as low self-confidence, and feelings of worthlessness.
While it may be difficult to hear from your doctor that you need to lose weight, try and remember that your doctor has your best interest in mind. “Your doctor has given you the advice to lose weight because of his concern to try and stop the condition you may have from progressing any further,” says Toby Smithson, RD, a national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. “Overweight and obesity have become a major public health issue that has a domino effect with many associated chronic diseases and conditions. Many people start to gain weight and as their weight increases it affects their well-being from their head to their toes.”
How Do I Get Started With Weight Loss?
The first step to a successful weight loss plan is to gather information about your options. While you may feel overwhelmed by the various diet and exercise programs available, your healthcare physician will be able to help you narrow down your choices. Talk to your doctor about which weight loss methods are right for you, and remember that no two weight loss journeys are alike. The treatment method your doctor recommends will be based not only on your current bill of health, but also your medical history.
It may also be beneficial to speak with a certified dietitian about your weight loss goals. Whether you’re trying to lose weight for the first time, or you’ve been trying to shed pounds for years, a dietitian will work with you to create a customized diet program that works for your lifestyle, preferences, and unique health needs.
The experienced professionals at Men’s Vitality Clinic in Tucson are ready to help you exceed your weight loss goals, and offer helpful exercise techniques. Give us a call now to start working towards a better you!
Men’s Weight Loss Tips
When it comes to keeping your weight in check, for most men it always comes back to a surefire formula of diet and exercise. Throughout your weight loss journey, it’s important to remember that losing weight the right way takes time. With that being said, there are a number of things you can do every day to help you stay on track. Let’s look at a few weight loss tips for men below.
Resist The Urge To Have Seconds
We’ve all been there — you’re eating a delicious meal at your favorite restaurant, and as soon as you clean your plate, you reach for seconds. Once you’ve polished off your second helping, you begin to feel uncomfortably stuffed, and regret your recent decision to eat more food. Do you know why this is? It takes the human body up to 20 minutes for your brain to register that you’re actually full. Before you reach for that second serving, wait 10 to 20 minutes and reach for a glass of water in the meantime. If you’re still hungry after that, consider having a smaller second serving of food to avoid overindulgence.
Enjoy The Smells
While you may feel tempted to gobble down that New York style pizza for dinner, take some time to smell the roses (or pizza, in this case). Recent studies suggest that the simple act of smelling your food sends the same signal of pleasure and fullness to your brain as actually tasting them. This means if you stop to take a whiff of your food before each bite, you may end up eating less, and therefore consuming fewer calories.
Make Every Snack Count
As humans, we all love to mindlessly snack on our favorite foods. Whether we’re watching a movie and indulging in a large bucket of popcorn, or we’re munching on a candy bar during our lunch break at work, it’s important to remember how unhealthy many of the popular snack foods are. Instead of reaching for a bag of cheese puffs the next time you feel hungry, grab a balanced snack that consists of carbohydrates, fat, protein, and fiber. This is the best way to control your body’s hunger and insulin response during digestion.
Drink Plenty of Water
Whether or not you’re trying to lose weight, staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your body. You’re going to be exercising more as you begin your weight loss journey, and that means that you need to replenish the fluids you lose while you’re working hard. Drinking water before and after meals can also help you to feel more satiated, as humans often confuse the sensation of thirst for hunger. Do you work in an office? Invest in a bigger water bottle you can keep at your desk. If you work in retail or another fast-paced environment, try to work small water breaks into your day in order to keep yourself hydrated at all times. Your body will thank you for the effort!
Get Plenty of Sleep
A good night’s sleep should be one of your top priorities as you start your weight loss program. As we mentioned in the previous section, you’ll be exercising more and pushing your body after you begin the program, and your body will need restful nights of sleep in order to restore itself before your next workout. The quality of your sleep also affects your body’s ability to regulate important hormones, including insulin and testosterone. Your metabolism is regulated in part by the quality of your sleep, which makes it particularly important for dieters to get plenty of sleep each night. It’s difficult to overstate the importance of good rest when you’re trying to lose weight!
Don’t Beat Yourself Up
As you progress through your weight loss program, remember that perfection is an unattainable ideal. You can’t expect yourself to be perfect all day every day for the rest of your life, and you’re bound to have some slip-ups along the way. If you have a cheat day or miss a workout, just remember that losing weight is a long-term undertaking. A few mistakes won’t hurt you if you’re adhering to your weight loss management plan the majority of the time. Be kind to yourself and remember that long-term progress is what truly matters!
We hope these tips prove to be helpful during your weight loss journey. If you would like more weight loss tips, then just get in touch with our office to learn. At Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson, we’re passionate about helping men of all ages and shapes achieve their health and fitness goals through our customized weight loss management services. To learn more about our physicians, or to schedule an appointment, contact us today!
We look forward to helping you live a healthier, happier life!