1. Are You Making These Common Health Mistakes? Part II

    Do you drink frequently, smoke, or skip the gym more often than you should? Habits that harm your health are easy to form, and they’re not always easy to break. We took an in-depth look at some of the most common health mistakes that men make in one of our previous entries, so be sure to go back through that information if you would like to learn even more about this topic. In today’s post, we…Read More

  2. Have You Stuck to Your New Year’s Resolutions?

    January is almost over — did you stick to the resolutions you set in December? Maybe you want to lose weight and exercise regularly this year, or perhaps you want to stick to a budget and save more of your expendable income. No matter what your resolutions last year were, today’s post is dedicated to helping you stick to them as the year goes on. Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson is here to su…Read More