1. The Advantages Of Testosterone Injections

    When you have low testosterone, there are many negative side effects, such as low self-esteem, depression, erectile dysfunction, decreased sex drive, and fatigue. You may feel overwhelmed by these symptoms, and may be unsure of how to proceed. At Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson, when we discover that one of our clients has low testosterone, we offer testosterone replacement therapy as a treatmen…Read More

  2. Common Misconceptions About Diabetes

    One of the services we offer at Men’s Vitality Center is diabetes management. Diabetes is a serious disease, but with proper education and management, people with diabetes can live healthy and normal lives. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation out there about diabetes. Here, we will take on common myths about diabetes. MYTH: Diabetes is caused by excessive sugar consumption. We have a…Read More

  3. The Impact Of Erectile Dysfunction

    Millions of American men are affected by erectile dysfunction (ED) every year, yet many are embarrassed to talk about it, even with their doctor. In our society, men are expected to be ready and able to have sex at any given moment, so many men who experience ED feel emasculated and as a result, suffer from low self-esteem. This is an unfair and unrealistic standard, as most men will experience tr…Read More

  4. The Importance Of Men’s Physicals

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  5. Standards for Safe Weight Loss

    One of the most common questions that men will ask their physicians at Men’s Vitality Clinic in Tucson is how they can safely lose weight. Weight loss can change the lives of so many people. Excess weight can lead to many different health problems including diabetes, heart disease, and joint problems. Physicians will offer Tucson men’s health services that fall in line with safe weight loss. W…Read More

  6. Physician Guided Weight Loss for Men

    Weight loss is one of the major health issues that most Americans face. When you are constantly on the move it is hard to get into a healthy routine. Skipping meals, skipping the gym, eating less than nutritious food, irregular sleeping patterns, alcohol and many other bad habits can all negatively affect overall health. Unhealthy lifestyles are not the only cause of irregular weight gain in men. …Read More