1. What Your Headache Pain Might Be Trying to Tell You

    One of the most common complaints that we hear about in our Tucson men's health clinic is headaches. A headache is a catch-all term for any pain occurring in your head. In reality, there are numerous kinds of headaches that can happen in different areas of the head. Some of those aches and pains in your head could be the symptom of a bigger issue. It's important to know what your headache pain is …Read More

  2. How to Battle Your Seasonal Allergies

    Are you struggling with seasonal allergies? You are in good company. Doctors think that about 50 million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergies, and those numbers seem to be getting higher every year. Allergy symptoms can quickly move beyond a simple runny nose or some sneezing and escalate to the point that symptoms render you unable to work or participate in activities. Some …Read More

  3. Could Your Low Libido Be Caused by Low Testosterone Levels?

    A low sex drive can be one of the first signs that your testosterone levels are low. Our Tucson men's health clinic treats patients every day for low testosterone levels through our hormone replacement therapy and many of them came into our clinic initially looking for reasons behind their low sex drive. Researchers aren't entirely sure why low testosterone levels often lead to a lower libido; the…Read More

  4. How to Bring Up Low Testosterone Concerns With Your Partner

    Many of the patients who come into our Tucson clinic for low testosterone replacement therapy make an appointment for their initial consultation because of the urging of their partner. Sometimes, it's hard for patients to see the changes happening to their own bodies and minds. They are simply too close to the situation to be objective about the changes that are happening. To their loved one, tho…Read More

  5. 8 Signs Your Headache Needs Medical Attention

    Occasionally experiencing a headache during a stressful time or after a night of over-imbibing is normal, but sometimes headaches can be indicative of a more serious problem. If you have noticed a change in your headaches, for example, in the event that you have started getting severe migraines when you never had before, it is important to talk to your physician about your concerns. Sometimes, peo…Read More

  6. Why You’re Still Hungry After You Eat

    You have just finished a meal or snack, yet you’re still somehow hungry. In fact, you may be even hungrier than you were before! We have all experienced it, but do you ever wonder why? There are several reasons why you may be having a hard time feeling satiated after eating. In this blog, we will go over the most common causes of hunger after eating, as well as what you can do to prevent it. Rea…Read More

  7. Erectile Dysfunction Myths

    Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem that many men struggle with, yet there is a lack of accurate information about it in the public view. Most men will experience trouble achieving an erection at some point in their lives, but if this problem is persistent, it can be a major bow to a man’s self-esteem and may have a negative impact on romantic relationships. Because there is so much pr…Read More

  8. Burnout: What You Can Do About It

    These days, there is more demand for our time, energy, and attention than ever before. Anyone can feel exhausted from the high expectations they face at work and at home, and sometimes, it becomes too much to bear. If you feel like you are about to lose it due to the incredible pressure on you, you could be experiencing burnout. What is Burnout? Burnout is a state of emotional or physical distress…Read More

  9. Why You Shouldn’t Take OTC Testosterone Pills at Home

    The appeal of over-the-counter (OTC) testosterone pills is obvious: after all, you can take them at home, they are generally inexpensive, and you don’t have to go through a doctor to get them. If you are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone, you may be tempted to simply order testosterone supplements online instead of coming into your physician’s office for testosterone replacement therap…Read More

  10. How to Find the Right Workout Routine

    When you are trying to lose weight, the two most important factors for you to consider is diet and exercise. In our previous blog, we discussed how to choose the right diet plan to follow for your weight-loss journey. In this blog, we will go over factors to consider when you are choosing which exercise routine to adopt. Your personality First, you have to think about what kind of workout fits you…Read More