1. Is Something ‘Off’?

    Some of the negative side effects of low testosterone are quite noticeable to those that are affected, while other times the symptoms go unnoticed for long periods of time. While sexual side effects are some of the most common negative side effects of low testosterone, not all men that are affected by low testosterone experience sexual side effects. Men’s Vitality Center offer men’s health s…Read More

  2. Uncommon Forms of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    Now that testosterone replacement therapy in Tucson and around the United States has been brought out into the spotlight, many men are seeking treatment for their low testosterone. Before it was well known that the negative side effects of low testosterone were far more widespread than sexual side effects, only men that had sexual problems would visit their physicians. Now with more knowledge arou…Read More

  3. Most Common Forms of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    Testosterone replacement therapy is becoming much more commonplace in the United States. Men of any age can be affected by hypogonadism and many of these men will seek professional treatment. Most often, men seek treatment for low testosterone due to sexual side effects. Other negative side effects of low testosterone levels may not be as easily recognizable. Men’s Vitality Clinic offers differe…Read More

  4. Side Effects of Low Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    Testosterone replacement therapy in Tucson is not the fountain of youth. While this hormone is one of the most important sex hormones of the male body, replacement therapy is not for everyone. Males that are suffering from primary or secondary hypogonadism are only candidates for testosterone replacement therapy after testing through their physicians. Testosterone replacement therapy is not availa…Read More

  5. Low Testosterone and the Young Man

    When people hear the words “low testosterone” they automatically think of men older than 50 years. Yes, men that are over the age of 30 will begin to experience insignificant drops in testosterone production, but these changes are mostly  imperceptible. While most men that suffer from low testosterone are of a certain age, this is a problem that can affect young men as well. Testosterone repl…Read More

  6. When Testosterone Replacement Therapy Is Necessary

    Testosterone replacement therapy in Tucson is a viable option for men that suffer from low testosterone. While men over 30 years will experience slight decreases in their natural testosterone production, these small decreases will not typically cause negative side effects. Other men will suffer from abnormal drops in natural testosterone production. These are the individuals that need testosterone…Read More

  7. How Low Testosterone Can Negatively Affect The Body

    Low testosterone is a major problem that can affect men of all ages. While a natural decline in overall testosterone production is normal for men over 30, abnormal drops in testosterone may affect the body. Testosterone is the primary sex hormone in the male body and is incredibly important to overall health. While many people understand that low testosterone can affect a male's sex drive, that is…Read More

  8. The Normal Aging Process and Effect on Testosterone

    The majority of men that suffer from low testosterone are over the age of 40. Testosterone production tends to decrease as part of the normal aging process. Naturally decreased testosterone levels will not negatively affect men unless the levels fall well below normal. Many men who suffer from hypogonadism (abnormally low testosterone production) do not visit their physician until they suffer the …Read More

  9. Difference Between Primary and Secondary Hypogonadism

    Low testosterone is a medical problem that affects only the male population. While many American men are affected by low testosterone, many do not talk about it. Aside from it being an “embarrassing” problem, a lot of individuals do not really understand why they have been affected by low testosterone. Low testosterone is also known as “hypogonadism” and low testosterone can be linked to p…Read More

  10. Help! I’m Confused About Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    Confusing surrounding testosterone replacement therapy in Tucson, AZ is completely understandable. Understanding how hormones work within the human body can take a long time to master. With all of the advertisements on television, magazines, and social media, how do you choose the right testosterone replacement therapy? How do you even know that you are a candidate for testosterone replacement the…Read More