Men have a bad habit of putting off preventative medical visits until the problems become too severe. This means that most men will only visit their physician when they feel terrible, or are on the verge of needing emergency care. This is not to say that some men do not visit the doctor on a regular basis even when they feel healthy, but just that many men skip preventative visits. Every man should be aware of the most common warning signs that will necessitate a visit to your men’s internal medicine physician at Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson.

Some disorders and illnesses have subtle warning signs that are often brushed off as something minor. Pain and sickness are not the only warning signs that you should visit your physician. Below is a list of some of the most common warning signs that mean a visit to Men’s Vitality Center:

  • Discomfort or pains in the chest: These uncomfortable feeling do not mean heart attack, but a man could be suffering from angina, respiratory infections, etc.
  • Painful or bloody urination: Both are signs of something more than general dehydration.
  • Abnormal loss of hair: Some men will naturally lose their hair due to age or heredity, others will lose it due to certain treatments, but some will lose it as a warning sign of an undiagnosed condition.
  • Erectile dysfunction: In healthy men, erectile dysfunction is also caused by an underlying, undiagnosed medical condition; high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.
  • Excess fatigue: Being more tired than usual is not just a symptom of sleep deprivation. This can be a sign of a more serious illness or disorder.
  • Light-headed or dizziness: This is often a sign of a blood pressure issue, diabetes, or other more serious medical conditions.
  • Increased thirst: Drinking about 8 glasses of water a day is normal, being unable to quench thirst even with excessive water intake is often a sign of diabetes. Unfortunately, it is also a sign of infection, bleeding, or organ failure.

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms it is time to call a men’s internal medicine physician at Men’s Vitality Center in Tucson for a full examination. We can help you stay happy and healthy.