Many employers are now making it mandatory that their employees pass a medical examination on a regular basis. No employer is more famous for this than The Department of Transportation. The Department of Transportation puts their employees through an incredibly comprehensive medical examination every two years. Men’s Vitality Center offers men’s health physicals in Tucson, AZ that meet Department of Transportation standards.

These physicals are mandatory for drivers to renew their commercial driver’s license. Unfortunately, drivers that have had health changes within the past two years may be in for a surprise when their licenses are not renewed. Health conditions such as type 1 diabetes can automatically disqualify a driver from receiving or renewing their license. The Department of Transportation wants to ensure that every driver they put on the road is as safe as possible. Each driver must be physically and mentally fit enough to handle driving commercially. Men that have received their licensure in the past must be careful that their hearing or vision has not changed within the past 24 months. Drivers that have had a dramatic rise in their blood pressure may be disqualified from renewing their license. Diabetic drivers must ensure that their type 2 diabetes is well under control before their commercial licensure will be renewed through the Department of Transportation.

Many locations that offer men’s health physicals in Tucson are not qualified to perform Department of Transportation physicals. Thankfully Men’s Vitality Center offers Department of Transportation sanctioned physicals to ensure that your paperwork is done correctly the first time! Call today to schedule your physical examination!