If you have been experiencing certain symptoms, you might have come across the suggestion that you are experiencing low DHEA. Low-DHEA levels have been found in individuals with a variety of health conditions, including heart disease, depression, diabetes, immune disorders, and osteoporosis. Some people have taken to using a DHEA supplement to address these issues. While some studies suggest it could be helpful for depression, osteoporosis, sexual function, and obesity, much more research needs to be done to determine its long-term effects and effectiveness with other conditions. Before you go out and buy a DHEA supplement to address your health concerns, it is best to speak with your physician at Men’s Vitality Center. While you could have low-DHEA, it shares many of the same symptoms as low testosterone, so it is important to get tested by a physician to determine the cause of your symptoms.

What is DHEA?

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal gland, and is a precursor to the production of testosterone and estrogen. DHEA seems to serve other functions as well, though we don’t fully understand its exact role in the body yet; it may aid in brain function and certain sexual functions. Despite this mystery, many people have taken DHEA supplements because they claim to aid in a variety of issues. It is common for people to invest in them to lose weight or enhance their athletic performance; in fact, DHEA is banned by almost all of the major sports organizations. As we age, DHEA levels naturally decline, just as testosterone and estrogen levels lower. Therefore, some people believe that taking a DHEA supplement may also help fight symptoms of aging. However, the research does not suggest that these supplements have much of an effect on aging. In fact, there is some concern that these supplements can actually have a harmful effect. Some side effects reported in one study of DHEA supplements were acne, hair loss, digestive issues, fatigue, congestion, headache, insomnia, cholesterol problems, shrunken testicles, and high blood pressure. Clearly, more research must be done into the use of these prohormone supplements and whether they can really help health conditions. Additionally, because the symptoms of low DHEA are so similar to other health conditions, it’s crucial that you speak to a physician before taking these supplements.

Symptoms of DHEA

  • Low mood
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Weight gain
  • Low bone density
  • Decreased muscle mass

If you have been reading our blog or looking into testosterone replacement therapy, these symptoms probably look familiar to you because symptoms of low DHEA are very similar to low testosterone. This makes sense, as they are both hormones. This is why it is so important to come into our men’s health clinic to discuss these issues with your physician. When it comes to hormones, it can be confusing to identify the exact issue with your hormones without further testing. We can provide you with these tests to identify the hormonal issue at hand and how to properly treat it. Contact us about our testosterone replacement therapy clinic today!